And. AND. BESIDES fitting in all my clothes, we went out last night and we saw someone we hadn’t seen for probably a year, and he said to me, “Have you…” And made shrinking motions with his hands. :) And he was very impressed and asked how I’d lost all that weight. :)
*Then* we went over to Barnes & Noble and there was only one copy of the book on the shelves, and I asked how many they’d sold and they said FORTY and that they had TWENTY-FOUR MORE on order, and would I please come do a book signing!
I had a good day yesterday. O.O :)
Congratulations! That’s awesome!
As for a reward, as mentioned in the previous post, how about a little vacation to somewhere non-expensive but fun and activity-promoting? Even something local, like kayaking or glacier stomping or some such could be a fun reward.
Go team you. *G*