fun meme, gacked from LJ

Best fictional character to . . .

. . . be at your side after the apocalypse: Methos
. . . be at your side fighting a war: Methos
. . . take over the world with: Met

let’s try this again :)

. . . be at your side after the apocalypse: Buffy
. . . be at your side fighting a war: Richard Sharpe
. . . take over the world with: The Brain
. . . run your country with: Jack Ryan
. . . be stuck on a desert island with: Methos
. . . marry, grow old and have children with: Corlath
. . . wander the wilderness with: Strongbow
. . . sail the seven seas with: Sinbad
. . . be your mad scientist: Barbara Gordon
. . . ride off into the sunset with: Inigo Montoya

(I took Richard Sharpe from the people I got the meme from, but I gotta say, I can’t improve on him, so.)