Rather than dink around until ten being vaguely grumpy that I hadn’t yet talked myself into writing, I thought I’d just get a bunch of other shit done before ten and then do my writing.
So, thus far, I’ve made bread, started laundry, made jelly (oh wow does it smell good, too), and had breakfast. I’m going to go clean the kitchen and take strawberries out for tomorrow’s jam. Then I’ll write.
Damn, answering email eats up time. *posts and scurries*
ETA: argh. I found another bag of blackberries, which means I had enough to make blackberry jam after all, but now I don’t, because I made razzleberry. I’ll have to buy enough blackberries to make up the difference so there’ll be blackberry jam. Fnrt.
“Round is a shape” is a quote by Charles Barkley, known as the Round Mound of Rebound when he played college basketball. :)
Well, at least I figured out why I wanted a peanut butter and jam sandwich so badly last night–I’d forgotten you were posting about jam! o.O