Ok, I’m trying to cull figurines. I have a lot of X-Men figurines and a few random other things. I don’t need most of them, but I can’t bring myself to throw them away. Would anyone be interested in any of the following, or to tell me where I might advertise them in such a fashion as they might actually be purchased? (None of them seem to be moving on eBay, so my little heart is not full of hope.)
Ultimate Magneto bust
Ultimate Storm bust
Ultimate Cyclops bust
Ultimate Jean Grey bust
Ultimate Beast bust
Ultimate Colossus bust
For the X stuff, there’s also:
Nightcrawler mini-bust (1553/5000)
Wolverine mini-bust (4462/9000)
Sabretooth mini-bust (6545/7000)
Storm statue (728/3000)
Gambit statue (32/1000; mine is the 8″ version of this, not the 12″)
Rogue statue (630/1000)
And I also have:
Katchoo bust (135/200)
Francine bust (429/2000)
There’s probably more, but that’s all I’ve got out right now.
If you don’t want the Katchoo bust, just send her back to me.
Knowing I was kicking myself for selling my Nightcrawler bust direct instead of on eBay, I did a quick search of completed auctions, which is how I usually price things out.
Nightcrawler mini-bust: $97
Wolverine mini-bust: $20-38
Sabretooth mini-bust: $28-47
Storm statue: $203.75
Francine: $8.50-12 (uh, yeah)
Ultimate Magneto: $10-32.50
Ultimate Storm: $10-36
Ultimate Cyclops: $10-16.50
Ultimate Jean Grey: $16.00
Ultimate Beast: $26-29
Ultimate Colossus: $19.50
The rest haven’t gotten any bids at all–I’m guessing you don’t want the Gambit and Rogue busts because they’re not your favorites, which must be how everyone else feels, too. o.O
I’m no help on other listing–I just wait and see when people come across my pages in random Google searches, and you’ve got a bit more of a deadline than I. Though, hm. If you come up with prices for them, what you’d like to get, I’d be happy to post that list to the toy collecting list I’ve been on for years. Some of the ladies there might be interested, or know people that would be.
Good luck, whatever you decide to do!