writing, riding, other things

I didn’t write yesterday ’cause Little’s batteries were dead, so I charged her up and worked not only earlier in the day, but also on the train on the way in to Dublin. I’m now working on PHOENIX LAW, and despite having *just* finished a book, I’m really quite cheerful about the prospect of working on this one. I know what I’m doing with the next chapter, which is going to be fun, ’cause I’m bringing in somebody which 1. no one will expect and 2. will throw another wrench in the monkeyworks, or something like that, so yeah. That’ll be fun. :)

I am still a little stressy. Deborah wanted to know why. I said, “Because I have to move, go to two cons, hang out with my agent, and write a book in the next six weeks.”

Deborah said, “And how is this different from anything you’ve had to do in the last eight months?”

Okay, but THIS IS ENOUGH NOW! I would like to stop moving and only have to write a book once every TWELVE weeks instead of every SIX weeks and … okay, the cons and the agent visiting part are fun. Shush.

Anyway, we rented a car so we could go down to Cork and bring the animals and stuff. Because Ted starts his new job on MONDAY. Monday is SOON. And I’ve been working on TOO MANY comic book pages, because now I am using caps for EMPHASIS. :)

dinner ready!

ytd wordcount: 73,200

2 thoughts on “writing, riding, other things

  1. Oh no, it’s the Spanish Inquisition…

    (Well, you said no one would expect them!)

  2. Lol@Robert.

    It’s all part of the Famous Author bit, except for the moving. I don’t know anybody who likes moving…Phoenix Law is Alisha, yes? Love that chick. I’m happy that you like to write so much… :D

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