The next few days are going to be very busy. Today, we need to clean Shaun’s room (an easy task), clean his bathroom (also an easy task) and close the doors to them so the animals can’t get in and shed. Although Ted’s taking the animals to Cobh tonight anyway, so they don’t have much shedding time left, at least not in this house.
We need to clean the kitchen and do laundry. Ted needs to bring bedding to Cobh. We need to, although this will probably not happen today, get the dog a bed to sleep on.
I need to go to Western Union and send my artist some money. And I should probably have just made this a list, instead of paragraphs, but oh well. I need to send FF’s book. I need to email May. I need to get Ted to take Nook apart before he leaves, so the movers don’t have to. We need to wrap presents and ship them, for pity’s sake.
I need to write as much as possible, which may well be not very much at all, but it’s got to be some.
Possibly I need to ask my Mommy and Daddy to come out and give me a hand packing tomorrow. I don’t know. The plan is to get movers in and to get them to do the packing, and the only things I have boxes for I can probably manage to pack my own self anyway.
I’m going to go sort laundry now. It is a pathetic start, but it’s a start.