I have managed to create a hybrid of LJ design capabilities and my own site that I am, if not perfectly happy with, at least reasonably content with. There’s still some color fiddling to do, but that’s pretty nit-picky. At this point, the LJ and the main page will look alike, except the LJ is missing the photographer silhouette and the quote. It Will Do.
This means tomorrow morning I’m going to switch my journal over to LJ. For those of you who read it at mizkit.com, this should be essentially transparent. For those of you who read the mizkit_feed, you will presumably want to switch over to reading mizkit instead.
The reason for doing this is so I can have threaded comments conversations and so that I will *get* all the comments, because things left on the mizkit_feed can be missed, as they’re not emailed to me.
I am debating whether I want to open up comments to anonymous commenters, or just screen anonymous commenters. Laura mentioned in the however-long she’s had an LJ, she’s only gotten 3 spams, or something; can other people weigh in on this and let me know what kind of spam problems they’ve had there? I know LJ is these days supporting the Open ID thing, but I have no idea what it is, really. If someone wanted to explain that, too… (Because, y’know, I can’t go google it, or something.)
This is _nothing_ like a 10K day, but you have *no idea* how much better the prospect of having only one journal to update/keep track of makes me feel.
Off to buy some more user icons and upload all the ones I’ve got currently for this journal over on the LJ. Yay. :)
What about us who read the RSS feed from mizkit.com? You have a few subscribers at Bloglines. :)
There’s got to be a way to do an RSS feed from the LJ. I’ll see if I can figure it out. I can’t make *everybody* happy! :)
There appears to be a faq on who to get an RRS feed of your LJ: http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=149
And there’s a decent faq on openid as well — I gather it’s a way to leave comments without an LJ account as long as you have an account elsewhere that you sign into via some URL that also supports openid: http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=231
I have my LJ set to screen anonymous comments. I’ve received maybe half a dozen of those, but not a single one has been spam. (Mostly helpful comments on running an aquarium, in fact :)
(And now to hide from the falling chandelier…)
I have my LJ set to screen anonymous comments as well, but they’re pretty much from my mother or a friend who doesn’t have an LJ. I guess I’m not interesting to spammers, except the ones who found me via Monster and seem to think I have penis envy. *quirks an eyebrow*