I don’t use this account…

I don’t use this account, so would someone please convince me that it would be irrational to switch to automatic payments and add a hundred userpics to it?

8 thoughts on “I don’t use this account…

  1. I’ve been struggling with that myself, because there’s zero reason to pay more for LJ, yet there are so many more than 15 icons I’d like to have access to. You, however, at least have the outlet of icons on your own blog, so I say you should add them there!

  2. …that’s a very good point. Perhaps what I need to do is upgrade my MT account and spend a while revamping the icon system in there. Hmmmm.

  3. Of course you use this account, how will you see my locked posts otherwise? Admittedly, you don’t need a hundred icons to do that =)

  4. money doesnt grow on trees. It’s made from recycled rags. um… that’s all i got

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