Ok, so…

Let me essplain.

No. Is too much. Let me sum up.

Last October, for no evident reason, a switch flipped in my brain. It was triggered by meeting my Dad, who said he’d given up sweets, and I said, “Me too!” and did, for forty days. I lost 7 pounds in those 6 weeks and have been on a downward trend ever since, which has culminated in about 33 pounds of loss since October 2004 and made for a total of 50 pounds lost since I was at my fattest.

My goal is to lose another 13 pounds. I’m not really sure how realistic that goal is, as it would put me at 142, which I haven’t weighed since my sophomore year of high school, when I was two inches shorter than I am now. So I donno how much of the weight I’m carrying can come off, and how much is, y’know, like, bones. What I do know is that looking in the mirror tells me I’m still carrying fat deposits that can be whittled down, so that’s what I want to do.

This summer, regardless of the rumor that it’s easier to lose weight in the summer, has not been a successful weight-losing period for me. I haven’t gained, but a loss of 3 pounds over 3 months is maintaining, IMHO, not losing. Don’t get me wrong: I’m pleased about it. Still, I’d rather be seeing somewhat more dramatic improvements.

The vicious truth of the matter is that in order to see more dramatic improvements I’m going to have to start weight lifting. I *like* weight lifting, but I sort of hoped I could not bother with it until I hit my “hire a personal trainer” goal weight, which is 150 pounds (5 or 6 pounds away). In fact, I’m still hoping it, really, but I may have to make some concessions.

I haven’t made a lot of noise about this, though I haven’t been keeping it secret, either: I joined Weight Watchers at the beginning of April, when I’d stalled out on weight loss for a month or so. The 13 pounds or so I’ve lost since then are pretty much in thanks to doing WW, so I’m going to continue with that, and, like , I’m going to use this journal to keep track of my daily points and whatnot.

Ok. I think that’s all for now, though I’m sure I’ll think of more things to say later. :)

(Like now, for example. ETA: Thursdays are my official weigh-in days, so while I’m starting this journal today, the dull number stuff will begin tomorrow.)

(Man, if that was a summary, I’d fear to see the essplanation.)

6 thoughts on “Ok, so…

  1. I will note one thing:

    From everything I’ve gathered, the last 20 pounds are the hardest to lose. (And from first hand experience, the first time I seriously lost weight, I stalled out at about that point). You say that losing three pounds in three months feels more like maintenance to you…but I think that’s wrong. In these last 20 pounds, that’s *good*. You’re still losing.

    It *may* take you many more months to lose the last 13 pounds. Your body doesn’t want to give them up. And as much as it sucks, and is frustrating…

    That said, I think weight lifting will help. And even if your other exercise is just ‘leisurely walks’, it helps to (*any* movement helps!). You may also want to check into something like Pilates or Yoga or something, too, stuff that works on toning and stretching, because I’ve read some stuff that suggests that your body gets stuck into exercise ruts as much as metabolic ones, and changing up how you excersize can sometimes kickstart more weight loss as well.

  2. It *may* take you many more months to lose the last 13 pounds. Your body doesn’t want to give them up. And as much as it sucks, and is frustrating…

    This? This is me also realizing that I am going to have to face up to this sometime down the road, and working on mentally preparing myself for the fact that when (I am not going to say ‘if’. I’m not) I get to the ’20 pounds to go’ point, it may take me another year to lose it. And I’m just going to have to suck it up and cope if I want to do it. :}

  3. It *may* take you many more months to lose the last 13 pounds. Your body doesn’t want to give them up. And as much as it sucks, and is frustrating…

    *rumblegrumblebitchmoan* Yeah, you’re right. You’re absolutely right, and I need to keep that in mind. It’s just, you know. ARGH. This is where I stalled out last time I lost weight, too, and I’m really determined to get through it this time, but argh.

    *nods about exercise mix-ups* Yeah. I just feel all whiny, you know? :)

  4. And I’m just going to have to suck it up and cope if I want to do it. :}

    Sucking up, sir!

  5. I LOVE Princess Bride quotes…heheh

    I’m not a huge cardio fan, but I found that Pilates literally melts the weight off. If you have a yoga mat and you grab a beginning Pilates tape, it’ll change your life within the first five times you do it. I swear.

    You’ll see progress after 5 sessions and by 20 you’ll look like a totally different gal. :)

  6. I haven’t done Pilates at all. Talk to me about how you think it would do for someone with a bad lower back. I am irritatingly fragile in that regard.

    (I love Princess Bride quotes, too!)

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