*laughs out loud*

Not the one I expected, but it’ll do:

Holy crap! You are:
The one guy who EVERYONE wanted to see in the movies! Gambit just kicks ass. If he can’t obliterate someone by hucking kinetically charged cards at them, he can beat them to death with his quarterstaff. AND he’s a pimp. So what are you doing on this site, anyway? Shouldn’t you be out stomping people’s shit in right now?

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Link: The Which X-Man Are You Test written by alexium on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

6 thoughts on “*laughs out loud*

  1. Upon reflection, I am in no way surprised:

    Holy crap! You are:
    If you had the power to teleport ANYWHERE at ANYTIME, where would YOU go? Actually, you are more rational and spiritual than the average X-Men, Night Crawler is always out to do the right thing. In real life, you’re probably the “perfect” man or woman that everyone looks for, but you’re too good a friend too see like that. Wow, can’t ever get a break, eh?

    My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:

    free online dating free online dating
    You scored higher than 15% on Mutations

    Link: The Which X-Man Are You Test written by alexium on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test


  2. *grin* Even before I clicked, I knew which one I’d see. Just ’cause of your tagline.

  3. I am *so* predictable. :) Hey, if you’ve got AIM or Trillian or something ping me sometime, eh? cemurphyauthor on AIM.

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