more pages

9 thoughts on “more pages

  1. Yah, and I’m sorry, but I really love her face. The poses and perspectives are fantastic as well. Very exciting stuff. :D

  2. Thank you. It’s incredibly cool to see somebody take the words I wrote on a page and turn them into the pictures I kind of had in my mind. (I dont visualize, so it takes a LOT of work for me to figure out a page layout.) It’s insanely gratifying to hear the layouts are working, even if all the hard work is being done by the artist. :)

  3. I totally know what you mean. On my comic script, Smiley’s Story, there was one scene that I didn’t really describe in detail (as I tend to go for a more minimalist approach to comic scripting… letting the artist have more freedom in most things) but had something in mind, and the artist nailed it perfectly… it is still a powerful thing for me to read the comic and see that panel.

  4. This is such a cool project…not that your books aren’t cause I love them too…see I can learn ;-)

    Now please forgive me my ignorance…is this already a sold deal to be published at some predetermined time or is it a putting it together thing to see if someone will snatch it up?

  5. The latter. I’m doing this entirely on spec. Possibly I should do a posting talking about that, huh? :)

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