I have just gotten a box full of books. Twenty-four shiny copies of THUNDERBIRD FALLS, which, by gum, looks quite lovely and smells like new book and generally makes me beam like an idiot. There’s a lot of that going on today. I’m having a good day. :) Although my, all this good stuff is making the words creep along right slowly, it is, because I keep fiddling around with other stuff and, er, checking my comments to see if anybody’s awake and full of good cheer along with me, and stuff. *laugh* It’ll be better when I’ve got Nook set up again and am not using my internet-connected laptop to do my writing with.

OTOH, WTH, it’s good to be cheerful, and I /have/ gotten 1400 words or so written, so it’s not like it’s a total loss. I *will* finish at least this chapter, which I believe ends with an ass-kicking, and once I’ve done that, well, it’s only another thousand words or so to my 2-episodes-of-Nikita mark, so I’ll probably get myself to 4K today one way or another. It’s just not going as fast as it did yesterday.

I’m in a damned fine mood, so I’ll send a signed copy of THUNDERBIRD FALLS to the first person who replies to this post who wants one. :)

ETA: ok, that was so darned fast I’ll send two more copies to the two people who are closest to my chosen number between 1 and 500. You only get one guess. :)

52 thoughts on “BOOKS!

  1. I know I’ve got ATC’s address somewhere, but email it to me at the gmail address (cemurphyauthor@) or my personal one (I think you’ve got that) and tomorrow or Saturday I’ll find envelopes and send book! :)

  2. Oops, I did mean to say a Squeee! for TF!! I did i swear!

    Sooo um…

  3. 150!

    Congratulations! This is so extremely cool. I can’t wait until it’s released so that I can once again tell the clerk at the store, “this is my friend’s new book. She’s a famous author!”

  4. How about one of your oldest dearest friends Renaldo? :) :) (fluttering eyelashes, on knees begging, whatever it takes!!) I would love a signed copy. I am bragging all over town to whoever will listen that my bestest friend is now famous! This would prove that I am not just trying to get people to like me!! HEE HEE!!

  5. That is very exciting… and no, it should never get old to finally see YOUR books in print. We would not want you to get jaded… oh no.


  6. It’s always great when you get a new book out. Ummm . . . I hope I don’t duplicate someone else’s number. I didn’t read the whole thread and check. A random number: 358


  7. 300!
    Congrats on getting the book box! That means the rest of us can’t have too long to wait…

  8. I’m going to go with 138, for no apparant reason.

    But I’ll buy it anyway, and someday you’ll come for a signing in Seattle, so it’s all inevitable.

  9. Well, damn. Worth giving it a shot at, right? *grin*

    *also full of good cheer*

  10. . . . Of course, it would help if I actually GUESSED, right? *headdesk*

    Um. 247.

  11. 7

    ‘Cause we all know that’s the luckiest number and you kick seven different kinds of ass, girl!

    (If I don’t get one, I’ll be on Amazon later tonight hunting down a copy to order.)

    Go Kit, go Kit! Go, go, go Kit!

  12. I’m glad you only made us guess from a much smaller number back for the copy I got at I-Con.

    dang good book it is. I finished it less than 4 hours after I finally woke up out of the con going stage of lack of sleep.

    With the actual print copies in hand (and no longer reader copies), how long until it feasibly gets seen on the shelves at book stores?

  13. Well, there were far fewer potential guessers at I-Con!

    Book will be in the stores April 25th, unless your local store is lame and doesn’t put it out until the Official Release Date of May 1 (which Borders tends to do). So start looking for it soon!

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