interview meme strikes again :)

is doing the interview meme, and I haven’t done that in a while, so I thought I’d play. The rules are:

1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.”
2. I will respond by asking you five questions.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

Obviously one doesn’t have to do the last two steps, but I’ll do up to five interviews if people respond to this. (Can’t guarantee more than that.)

questions and answers

1. One of your books (and only one) is made into a movie. Which book is it, whom is your dream director and cast?

Good grief. Probably RIGHT ANGLES TO FAERYLAND, which, y’know, basically nobody’s read, so that’s not much of an answer. And all the kids I’d cast in it have aged out. Haley Joel Osmet, Dakota Fanning… um. *thinks* No idea for a director. The guy who did the first two Spy Kids movies, maybe.

Can I make it my comic book instead of a book-book? It’d be Guillermo del Toro or Bryan Singer as a director, with Adrian Brody and Taye Diggs as the two male leads and … *maybe* Jennifer Connelly as Chance. Maybe. She’s too beautiful, really. Sandra Bullock’s too old. Jada Pinkett-Smith is too short. Way too short.

2. Lions or Tigers, and why?

Tigers. I just like ’em better.

3. Ok, I know you’re a Gambit (*shudder*) and Rogue fan, but what’s a list of your 5-10 other fave supercharacters (heroes, villains and  ‘tweeners all qualify.)

Sabretooth, Wolverine, Batman, Jubilee, Catwoman (in some incarnations, anyway), Spider Jerusalem…

4. Favourite superhero movie and why?

X-Men. Because it didn’t suck. Against all odds, it didn’t suck.

Second to that, y’know, it’s probably Barb Wire. I loved that movie. I thought it was a freaking great B-grade superhero movie. I love those. The Phantom, The Shadow, The Rocketeer (that’s my least favorite, actually), all of ’em. I like ’em. :)

5. Best movie most people haven’t watched and you think they should?

Oh, jeez. I’m not a good person to ask that one of. I don’t watch enough movies. Um. Maybe Marilyn Monroe’s “Bus Stop”, which I rented because I’d never seen a Marilyn Monroe movie and wanted to, and which was good enough (and she was good enough) that I actually forgot I was watching an Icon Of American Film and just enjoyed the movie. I thought that was pretty damned impressive, really.

34 thoughts on “interview meme strikes again :)

  1. Hallo!

    This is WaywardClam from Forward Motion (Yeah, I know the account name doesn’t match, that’s why I identified myself). Haven’t seen you round there much lately, how you been?

    I’d love to be interviewed. :D

  2. Hey there! I’ve been, er, busy, which is why I haven’t been around. :) How about you?

    Let’s see, interview questions for a clam.

    1. Why WaywardClam? :)
    2. If somebody offered you a million dollars to stop writing fiction, would you take it? Why or why not?
    3. Name one extraordinary thing you’ve achieved. Tell me a little about it.
    4. Now tell me something you *want* to achieve, and why.
    5. If you could meet one person out of history, who would it be and why?

  3. *laugh* Yay for time zones. :)

    1. If you could meet one person from history, who would it be and why?
    2. Are you ever going to be done with school? Do you think you might shrivel up and disappear from confusion if you are?
    3. If you could live anywhere (disregarding a need or desire to work in your field or anything), where would it be, and why?
    4. You’ve been given the chance to get on the first deep-space exploration ship as a colonist, a journey from which there is no coming back. Would you take it? Why or why not?
    5. What color M&Ms do you like best?

  4. So, what five questions would a successful author possibly on the verge of fame (I mention the possibility but make no promises as far too many factors are beyond my control) ask of a creepy internet stalker guy who keeps trying to hypnotize her with bouncing pandas (which I’m saving for now so you don’t build up a resistance)?

  5. That’s okay, ’cause I love the Breakfast Club icon too. *grin*

    1. So what is it with you and pandas, dude?
    2. By “logrusboy” I deduce that you are an Amber fan. Why? (Really. I read a bunch of the books but they never did much for me.) Also, corrollary, did you play on AmberMU*, and do I in fact know you through that venue, which will prove to surprise both of us if the answer is yes?
    3. Let’s go with the famous person from history question again. I like that one. If you could meet one person from history, who would it be and why?
    4. Who would play you in the movie of your life?
    5. Do you have a philosophy of life? If yes, please share it with the class.

  6. (This is great. Thinking up all these questions is giving me a chance to not work on my book!)

    1. So, running P-Con. Was that your idea or did somebody hit you with a sucker punch?
    2. What person out of history would you want to meet, and why?
    3. Rumor has it you have over 1200 graphic novels. Gimme a little cross-section of what you’ve got there. Independent stuff, primarily? Mainstream? What’re your favorites (besides V; we know that already)?
    4. Red pill or blue pill?
    5. If you got to have a mutant power, what would it be?

  7. You’ll have to ask me another for #4, as I barely remember The Matrix, and certainly don’t remember what which pill did. It all passed me by, I’m afraid, did all the hysteria about the film…

  8. Actually, I think that is in itself a perfectly legitimate answer to the question. :) Blue pill kept you in the Matrix, FWIW, red pill woke you up. :)

  9. Yes, please. You ask questions I don’t think of, that frequently scare me, and I like that.

  10. Done. (Answers)

    Also, my favorite M&M color is “not brown” and I’d’ve taken the red pill but once I got a look around, I’d’ve been shrieking “Blue pill! Blue pill!” until Trinity emptied a clip into my brain.

  11. Oh, jeez, now the pressure is on to ask Meaningful Questions. Sheesh. Well, I’m starting out with the ringer, in that case, ’cause at least one’s gotta be easy.

    1. What person from history would you most like to sit down and have a talk with, and why?
    2. Writing: what’s holding you back? Do you want to write, or do you want to have written?
    3. You have a seemingly endless capacity for joy and delight in life. Do you consider yourself to actually be a joyful person, or are you just drawn that way?
    4. Tell me your favorite poem (either by quoting it or linking to it) and tell me what it is about it that makes it your favorite. (This is probably a very English major question.)
    5. What would the greatest adventure be?

  12. *cackle* I always wonder if people want to answer other people’s questions when I do this thing. :) Y’know, I think I might be right there with you with the shrieking and the clip-emptying. I’d like to think I’d be as kick-ass as Trinity, but that protein glop they ate made me nauseous just to *look* at.

  13. Hey, since you appear to be handy right now, I’ll point out that in an hour and a half from now, I’ll be passing a supermarket while enroute to the post office. If you actually did want those chocolate chips, right now would be a really good time to let me know where to send them…

  14. Nah, no chocolate chips necessary. I’m getting by with raisinets. :) Thanks, though! :)

  15. Probably for the best. Knowing my luck, there’d be some obscure law against shipping chocolate overseas…

  16. Oh ho! You are number six to request an interview, but I will interview you because er I think you’re cool. :)

    1. One of the things I’m bitter about is the political situation in the States has obliterated my love for politics. Do you ever find yourself losing the faith, embroiled as you are in politics?
    2. Given Phemonenal Cosmic Powers, or heck, just a chance, which would you be, a superhero or a supervillain? Why?
    3. You write wonderful thoughtful book reviews. Recommend something for me to read, please!
    4. It’s the end of the world as we know it. (Do you feel fine?) Is it a thing of poetry or of prose?
    5. What one person from history would you like to sit down and have a talk with, and why?

  17. *laugh* I never respond to these things (ie, post them or any such), but I like the questions you ask. I wonder, however, if already having known me for X number of years (oh god–started to count, then shuddered it off) might not have taken care of a majority of them.

    Ah well. If you are up to it, I’d luff to answer. If not, however . . . well, that’s what I get for going out of town for three days.

  18. 1. What one person from history would you like to sit down and have a talk with, and why?
    2. Death Match: Eleanor of Aquitaine and Elizabeth I of England. Who will survive, and why?
    3. If you got to have a mutant power, what would it be?
    4. If you were suddenly put in a position of enormous financial viability, would you stop working? If yes, what would you do with yourself? If no, why not?
    5. What would you consider to be your most peculiar or outrageous personal ambition?

  19. (I’m getting to repeat questions here, which seems cheaty but also seems fair, as hey, I don’t know your answers to them!)

    1. If you got to have a mutant power, what would it be?
    2. What one person out of history would you like to sit down and talk with, and why?
    3. You read a fairly broad spectrum of mainstream comics. Which one (aside from the DC One Year Later thing) of them would you take over and write, given the opportunity? Corrollary: is doing so actually one of your ambitions?
    4. Oh, here, still on the comics theme, but I’m curious: favorite sequential artists, and what in particular appeals about them?
    5. Are you in fact a marvel of ruthless efficiency?

  20. Actually, it’s easier to ask questions of people I know, because I know enough to be able to poke into their hobbies. Also, I’ve come up with enough questions that are interesting in general, at this point, that I can apply them to lots of people ’cause I don’t know the answers! For example, though I think I should know #1:

    1. What one person out of history would you like to sit down and talk with, and why?
    2. What would the greatest adventure be?
    3. You’ve passed through the valley of the shadow of death. Do you fear no evil? (This is not a facetious question.)
    4. If you got to have a mutant power, what would it be?
    5. Next time I come to Colorado, if I arrange enough time to really hang out, will you give me a massage? :)

  21. *grin* You and the mutant power questions.

    I did, however, read these last night and decided to really think through them. Some of them I’ve asked of myself before, but others . . . not so much.


    1. Leonardo da Vinci. One of the (if not the) most brilliant, fascinating, creative people our species has ever produced. I wish I could wrap my brain around the way his mind worked. Failing that, just sitting in his presence and hoping to get a little of his genius on me would be a good enough reason. Hoping, of course, that I could avoid the whole fan-girl “Squee!” thing, too. *laugh*

    2. I think the greatest adventure one can have is to have children–particularly as a woman to carry one to term. It is the one decision you can never undo, and not one, I think, to be undertaken lightly. To be responsible for an entire ‘nother human being is an awesome responsibility, blessing, and privilege. Not an adventure I think I’d ever be up for, but there it is.

    Aside from that, I would say that moving alone to another country where you don’t speak the language (and, preferrably, with a wildly different cultural heritage) would be the greatest adventure. To have all of one’s securities and unrealized identities stripped away, to have everything you know be radically different, and to do it alone–wow. What an adventure that would be!

    3. (I really like the way you phrased this question. Very suiting. *grin*)

    I do fear, although what I fear is not evil, but natural. For a long time, I was not at all afraid of death. I was Ready To Go. More than ready.

    Now, after passing through that valley, I find that I am more afraid again, and that those fears have added themselves back on, slowly, in layers.

    The first layer was pain, in any form. Underlying all the other fears that have grown like layers of horn, I am afraid that the Crohn’s will come back, that I will come out of remission and go back to where I was. I try not to think about that one–not because of the fear, but because “thinking makes it so.” If my time is limited, I don’t want to spend it worrying about “what if.” Nor do I want to manifest it in myself.

    The second layer of fear is growing old. I watched and analyzed it with startling detachment as the fear formed and grew, solidifying itself. For me, I didn’t really think I was going to live very long, or at least not until old age. Two subsets of that fear are growing old alone (as I was sure, especially after getting better, that I would outlive J) and growing old in poor health.

    The last layer of fear is that somehow, now I am afraid of dying. I think it’s because I’m not ready yet, that I’m enjoying this living thing, and have pushed the pain and Readiness back and away. I’m not so afraid of it that if I go back to where I was that I would have trouble ending it–but I don’t want to die any time soon. When the time comes, though, I think I’ll be ready for it.

    Otherwise, as for fearing evil? Not really. The world has gone on enough, history repeats itself enough–there are very few things that are new under the sun. If I had to list a religion, I’d say Buddhist/Taoist/Quantum Physics, and there’s really not a lot of place for fear in any of those. Serenity, yes. Fear–not so much.

    4. I’m boring on this one. I wanna fly.

    5. *grin* Hon, I’ve been itching with curiosity to get a crack at that shoulder of yours and see what I can find. Consider that a “hells, yes!” And one for Ted, too. :)

  22. I like the mutant powers question, and heck, I didn’t know your answer! So now I do! And I gotta admit, too, that if I could only have one single no-frills-added power, it’d be flight. Yeah. Bigtime.

    That was a great answer for #3. Thanks. :)

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