weigh-in and stuff

Weighed in at 156 again this morning, which didn’t really surprise me, although it was a little disappointing. I need to do better with eating this week than I did last week, though I’m getting back on track.

I walked 3 or so miles today, and I bought weights yesterday. I need a second set of dumbbells; these ones are perfect for some of my exercises and I wasn’t going to buy and carry around another 20 pound pair. But it’s 5 weeks until my birthday and I have this vague idea I’m going to use the weights and do situps and pushups and leg lifts and things.

Not that I did that today. And now I’m bored and twitchy (don’t want to read, already wrote, don’t want to watch tv) and thinks I want to exercise. He’s right, but I’m too lazy or it’s too late or some other stupid excuse. But perhaps I’ll try to make that kick me in the ass tomorrow morning.