
Breic, a while ago, picked up the phrase, “Forget about it,” only he said “Fuhgedaboudit.” This was accompanied by a deep, soul-shaking sigh, a deep slump of his shoulders and the heavy hang-doggedness of a lowered head. Sometimes he would put his hands in his pockets, making the whole thing that much more melodramatic. (Then he would peek at you carefully, out of the corner of his eye, to see if his pathos had the desired effect.)

He stopped saying and doing this after not very long (the rest of the family, however, picked it up). Now instead of saying anything, he just slumps. And slumps. And slumps, until he’s lying face down on the floor, boneless with existential misery. (And then he peeks at you carefully, out of the corner of his eye, to see if his pathos has the desired effect.)

You must imagine me in this same dissolvement of despair as I write this entry.

We could not get through to the cab company this morning, so instead of calling a cab to have it drive us to the pool, we set forth bravely on foot in hopes of finding it. I was pretty sure I knew where I’d gone wrong last time, and that if we went right (or left, more accurately) it would probably be fairly easy to find. And, in fact, it was. It was exactly where I thought it would be.

But it is not _finished_.

I cannot tell if it’s newly built entirely or if it’s being refurbished and having a leisure centre added on (I get the impression of the former), but whichever it is, that is *not* somewhere I can swim. There is no indication at all of *when* it will be done. It looks like it could be done in a matter of weeks, but I suspect that is just not the case. I am full of woe.

*peeks at you carefully, out of the corner of my eye, to see if my pathos has the desired effect*

There’s a 20 meter pool in the Commodore Hotel, apparently. I guess I’ll see about getting a membership there, though a 20 meter pool is, well, 20 meters. That’s short.

Still, I had a clever plan! Iif Ted gets a job at the Quay Bar & Restaurant, which is about 12 feet from the Commodore, I can walk to work with him whenever he has to be at work, and just going into the Commodore and doing my swimming. That would make me about 15,000 times more likely to actually swim. So I hope the physical therapist tells him on Thursday that he can go to work, and that they hire him down at the Quay. :)

10 thoughts on “fuhgedaboudit

  1. LOL sounds like Breic is going to be a perfect actor when he grows up!

    *crosses fingers* Good luck to Ted!

  2. *peeks at you carefully, out of the corner of my eye, to see if my pathos has the desired effect*

    So that’s the part I was forgetting to do! Thanks for the tip!

    Oh, and good luck with the using the husband as in instrument of imposing your desire on the universe.

  3. So that’s the part I was forgetting to do! Thanks for the tip!

    Dude, you *got* the book, what more do you *want*?

  4. Dude, you *got* the book, what more do you *want*?

    [The obvious joke to go here crosses several lines, obviously, and is only referenced here to avoid accidental insult by its omission.]

    Undying devotion? Ongoing witty banter with a famous author? More books? I dunno. There are so many to choose from.

  5. Goodness. You know, I’ve never seen someone *else* be that shameless.

    Do that again. I want to see if I can pick up any tips.

  6. 1) I prefer “brazen” to “shameless”.
    2) I’m sure you’ll get to see me display my brazenness again; just watch this space. At least until the hostess grows bored with me and sends me packing…
    3) I make no promises that following my example will be in any way helpful. Historically speaking, my successes are few. Dramatic, but few.
    4) Now that you’ve encouraged me, I’ve added you to my stalk…er…I mean, friends list. Perhaps one day I’ll be brazen directly at you. Then we’ll see how well you like it. ;)

  7. I shall fetch you a pillow and blankie while you revel in your dejected misery. When you’re finished, I will have cocoa – with marshmallows – and cookies ready at the table, you poor thing!



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