Heep heep hooray! The script for Chance #2 is done! I think this one only took me about 24 hours, instead of 40, although it’s 2000 words longer. 24 hours is good.
Jesus, have I *nothing* interesting to talk about? Perhaps I should do a week’s worth of post topics, where people can ask me a question or give me a topic and I’ll write about it. Except I’m not sure I could stand the public humiliation of announcing a topic post week and discovering nobody thought I knew anything worth lecturing on. :)
ytd wordcount: 153,000
miles to Isengard: 26
Sadly, the whole international cabal of book smugglers thing has totally been done to death. ;)
Here’s a couple of broad categories with example ideas, just to help get things rolling:
– Writing.
— What makes a story more than just a narrative of events?
– Political theory.
— What’s wrong? What would fix it?
– Trivia
— How does it feel being possibly the only person in existence who has Labyrinth on his/her/its list of interests but does not include David Bowie?
Or you could just poll your readers for fun ways to make me go away…
My “mathematically correct, funny, or baby monkey” ask-me post was very successful. Take the plunge!