I managed to slog my way through the rest of the scene. The rest is a matter of paragraphs, not pages, stitching things together and making the end work smoothly. I’m going to have to print it out and go through it backward again to deal with the rest of the detail work, because I honestly cannot see this book. I can barely see the new sentences and paragraphs I’ve written. I got through the rest of the scene today by basically writing somewhere between 1-3 sentences, playing 1-3 games of solitaire, wash, rinse, repeat. I also wrote front matter acknowledgements for the book, and think I managed to remember everybody who needed thanking.
It would no doubt be morally superior to go try to stitch the end together this evening, but it’s just not happening. But I’m almost there. Five more miles. I probably won’t finish tomorrow, but I might on Wednesday. That’d be nice. It’d be nice to not have it hanging over my head over the birthday weekend.
Ted very, very helpfully looked through the five or so icons I’d made up for my Have A Nice Day t-shirt, and after a good solid minute of considering them, chose his favorite. I am sufficiently fond of this icon as to be considering it as my default icon for a while. It makes me laugh. :)
I believe I’m going to spend a pleasantly brain-numbing evening watching “Meet the Fockers” and another LFN DVD.
ytd wordcount: 179,800
miles to Isengard: 51.5
I have no reason to comment here except to counter your default icon with mine. Geek-shirt battle! :-D
How can it be 51.5 miles to Isengard today when it was 50 miles yesterday? Inquiring minds want to know!
My, that icon is quite… um… My.
Shall we just say that it implies at least two reasons why her husband is so good to her? ;)
That is the very breast icon I have seen in ages.
We should probably say “two of many reasons”, just to be safe.
I count the distance I’ve travelled, not the distance I have to go. For some reason this made perfect sense to me when I began it, but makes no sense to anyone else at all. :)
*dueling banjos*!
I’m obviously a girl. I read that and thought, “Two reasons? Huh?”
Duh. :)
*laughs out loud*
Dammit! You beat me to it!!!
*shakes fist*
*goes off to stare at icon again*
Yes. Yes, you are obviously a girl.
(Actually this is reminding of PZ Myers’ line, “Four of my favorite things are evolution, development, and breasts…”)
*laughs more*
Duh, indeed! 1) Great sense of humor. 2) Keen fashion sense. O;)
I got a “WHAT are you looking at!” when I was looking at todays entry. Note to self. No longer allowed to look at Journals while at work.
I have a screaming bright red shirt with a speech-bubble that says “that’s what SHE SAID” right across my boobs, and it’s my very favorite new item of clothing. I say that particular phrase so very, very often that now I can simply point to my chest when I wear the shirt (hilarity ensues). Very similar effect!