From the Locus June 2006 issue, so this would presumably be for May 2006:
Trade Paperback Bestsellers (Barnes & Noble)
#1: Chronicles of Narnia (C.S. Lewis)
#2: The Nymphos of Rocky Flats (Mario Acevedo)
#3: Fahrenheit 451 (Ray Bradbury)
#4: Thunderbird Falls (C.E. Murphy)
#5: Kindred (Octavia Butler)
Mario Acevedo is the guy from the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers whose book came in second behind RIGHT ANGLES TO FAERYLAND in 2002 when Teresa Nielson Hayden judged the Colorado Gold contest. NYMPHOS is, in fact, that book. Teresa said specifically that she’d had a terrible time deciding between the two, because NYMPHOS was a wholly original book done very well, and ANGLES was a visitation of old tropes done perfectly. Brava, brava, bravissima, Mario! *beam*
Two of the other three people on that list are dead, and the other one is RAY BRADBURY.
I can live with that. :)
Cool, I’ve got 3 out of 5!
Congrats on the Best Sellers List!!! We always knew you were great!! :)
pretty heady company you’re keeping these days!
Whee! :) Congrats, babe! :) :)
Reminds me I need to go scarf the newly released one, too! ;)
Will do, may pop in town tomorrow so I’ll check if we still have one in stock. :)
But now I believe I’m upset with you. I finished it last night. Now I have to wait until when for Coyote Dreams?
Jeeze lady. :)
Next year, I’m afraid. People keep *saying* that to me…! *laugh*
Really! She’s totally gotta start writing faster!! :)
I totally agree. She must start getting up much earlier, and going to bed much later. 4 Hours is enought sleep for anyone.
Squee! World Famous *and* Best Selling Author Kit!
DayAMN, Kit! Congratulations!!
*beam* *impressed stare* *beam*
I was just going to go with giving up leaving the house when she should be staying home to write, but your plan is good too…
My god, woman, that’s amazing! And I haven’t even bought my copy yet (though it’s waiting at Book Shop Santa Cruz as I type this, along with FD). Congratulations!
At Borders this weekend, I picked up a copy of Thunderbird Falls and waved it at my fiance. I said, “I’m so glad they’re stocking multiple copies of this, because if they don’t stock it, people can’t buy it, and if people don’t buy it, the publisher won’t buy more of them, and if they don’t buy more, she won’t write more, which means I won’t get to read any more, and it’s all about me. And wanting to read. More.”
He patted me on the shoulder and smirked. I put the book back down, as I already own it.
Write more! Buy more! Read more!
Dude. Dude. *boggles*