mizkit is happy. |
You’re a rosy-cheeked ray of f’ing sunshine 24/7. I bet you smile a lot and little things don’t get you down. Must be nice. Fuchsia’s definitely your color. |
brought to you by interim32. wanna know your lj’s moodring color? enter your user name and hit the button. (discussion thread)
12 thoughts on “*laughs out loud*”
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Most of my postings are fiction – and what’s drama without… distress?
Somehow, I got the same result, so I’m not too sure how they figured that one out…
Hm. I dunno about that.
It said I was emotionally distant too. I’m just a tad dubious.
Kit, on the other hand, might need a new tshirt with “F*king ray of sunshine, that’s me” plastered across the chest. :)
whoops, “f’ing ray of sunshine” does flow better. Or perhaps “effing ray of sunshine” :)
Heheh…they pegged you. I’m “intense” and waiting to die in a bathroom. I like that.
“You are my sunshine,
My effin’ sunshine,
You are so chipper,
And ever fey,
I want to hate you,
but you’re so perky,
Please take your damn sunshine away”
Everybody sing!!
*nearly snarfs her Coke onto keyboard*
Hey, me too! And I have been rather obsessed with pink lately (seriously jonesing for pink hair, but I know that’s coming in September, and don’t want to get bored with it before then), so fuschia is close enough. Even if blue will always and ever be my actual color. ^_~
Yes, please. :)
Nearly? Crud. I gotta try harder. ;)
I got the same response from the meme. That’s a little alarming. :)