weigh-in day [ww filter]

Down a half pound, through basically no recognizeable or intellectually rewardable behavior on my part. On the one hand, yay. On the other, I almost wish I hadn’t lost any weight because I was eating so badly that it’s just reinforcing this, “Hey, this isn’t so bad!” mindset which doesn’t actually reflect reality. :p

Has anybody done the WW ‘meal plan’ things, where they just tell you what to buy and how to cook it and add up the points for you if you follow the plan, which keeps you right dead on points? I wobble uncertainly over doing that. On one hand, hey, y’know, if it gave me a structure and also gave me something nice to cook for Ted for dinner, that would be great. OTOH, I am really not a very adventuresome eater, and I don’t like, say, yogurt, which is one of their favorite snacks or food base things. I also won’t drink 1% milk, because it’s bad enough cutting back on my milk intake. Replacing it with nastiness is Right Out. So I see myself making substitutions right away, and…that just sort of makes the whole thing seem rather pointless (ahahahah ahem).

Anyway. Just mumbling out loud, I suppose.

4 thoughts on “weigh-in day [ww filter]

  1. I did the meal plan when I lived in Anchorage. I mostly substituted other foods from their list, but I entirely ignored their snack suggestions. It worked okay when I had easy access to grocery stores.

  2. I have not done the meal plan thing, so no help there.

    But as to the first part: I reiterate what I said last week. It could very well be with your metabolism that as low as you’re getting, your body wants slightly more POINTS than the plan dictates, so the fact that you’re not eating “perfectly” according to WW may be okay. I just fear that if you’re beating yourself up over it or feeling guilty (which it kinda sounds like you are) that you’re gonna self-sabotage.

    Again, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

    Yay for loss!

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