thinks to do today

– finish up HoC edits & post research questions here
change the kitty litter :p
bake a cake or two
bake bread
walk dog
grin like goddamned idiot over the couple pages of roughs ardian sent me for chance 2

I didn’t swim this morning. I did, however, walk all over hell and breakfast trying to find bittersweet chocolate in Cobh and completely failed. My sister’s birthday cake will have to be semi-sweet chocolate instead of bittersweet. Somehow I think she’ll survive. :)

eta: …okay, livejournal wins, I lose, I don’t care. I changed my mood theme to the highly (to me, anyway) amusing Rogue and Gambit theme created by and in doing so rewrote my color codes. LJ wins. I lose. Maybe later I’ll try again. *exasperated look*

several hours later, eta: guess which of these things is not going to get done today… :)

miles to Isengard: 245

1 thought on “thinks to do today

  1. Hi…I’m sure this isn’t relevant to any current discussion, but I have to ask about a sign that says, “They stayed up late, they trashed the house, [etc.]…bad kitties!” My sister had a very cute t-shirt that had that phrase and some cartoon cats on it and she’s worn it to shreds. The shirt apparently isn’t made anymore, but when I Googled the phrase it brought me to your site and it seems you (or someone here) has a sign that may be the same thing…? I don’t want to take up your blog space but I’d be ever so appreciative if someone could email me and say where I could get the sign. It’s Thanks.

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