Christmas is a’comin’ and the goose is getting fat…
I will match any donations my flist makes to the neighbor fund, up to $250. There are *more* than 250 of you on my flist, so in theory that’d be just a dollar from everybody. I don’t expect that to happen, as I’m aware of financial practicalities, but I’d love to scrounge up $250 from all of you to this family, and match that myself.
Jay has an email address set up for this specific fund, neighbor (a), so it’d probably be easiest just to paypal money there. Please put ‘neighbor’ in the subject line, and maybe also (mizkit) or something, and email me ( or leave a comment) to let me know you donated. I’ll keep track of how much comes in, and match as much of it as I can.
ETA: If you’ve got something you’d like to donate to the auction, please email Jay (jlake (a), or comment on his entry here! Thank you! You guys all rock. :)
I have been giving serious thought this year to giving money to charity instead of christmas presents for the adults I know (at least for those adults that I know won’t hate me for not giving them presents…) So, uhm, Merry Christmas, and your present has been sent to the neighbor :)
*beam* Thank you. Honestly, as far as I’m concerned, this is the best kind of present people could give. *beam*
:: words fail ::
You. Are. Awesome.
I was trying to think of something to send to the auction, but I don’t think I have anything… you think someone would be interested in a Tuckerization? Details are vague at this point–could be a short work or a novel, could be as a good ‘un or a bad ‘un, and I have no timeline. The work might not come out for *years*. But I would add their name and, if wanted, a few defining physical characteristics. Let me know if you think this would work, and if you want more details.
I have some jewelry that I made and I can send it for the auction, if you think that might do. :)
Could we send gift certificates to the grocery store or wal mart to the PO box jlake gave on his site? That way the neighbor could use some of the cash for other things?
I think that might be very cool indeed! Email Jay (jlake (a) to discuss it!
I sent some! What a wonderful idea. If I happen to create something in time for the auction I’ll send that too, but it doesn’t seem terribly likely. :P
*beam* Thank you. Can you email me to let me know how much, just so I can keep track? Thank you so much! *beam*
I have electronic banking, so I can pay my bills with a click of the mouse, and it doesn’t cost me anything. It was about 1 minute’s work to set up a weekly continuing payment to Jay, and now there’s an income, however small, the fund can count on.
Those of you with electronic banking are encouraged to do likewise. A modest weekly amount will add up.