Apparently the line art my letterer was working from has proven to be different dimensions from the final colors, so she’s having to do a bunch more work than she expected and is unlikely to be done in time for submission tomorrow. So it’ll probably be the middle of next week, as she’s going away for the weekend. Pother. I mean, oh well; not much can be done about it, and we’ll certainly know, when the time comes, to have everybody sit down and discuss file sizes and dimensions and everything for book two.
I’m now wondering if it’s worth bothering to send this year, or if I should wait until January for a sort of fresh start, as certainly the book publishing industry goes into a serious get-nothing-done phase after Thanksgiving. Hrm.
However, in direct stance against that nothing-gets-done thing, I have, at least, just submitted the proposal for the Walker Papers 4-6. Fly, fly away, little book, as Misty says, and come back as a BIG FAT CHECK!
ytd wordcount: 382,000
CE, so glad to stumbled upon your blog (courtesy of Jennifer Jackson’s blog). I just read FD and am so grateful that the final book of the Strongbox trilogy made it to the final Bombshell list. Simply put — I LOVED the book. Loved it. Although I’m getting twinges of anxiety as to who Leesh is going to pick in the end. I know that it’s going to be the ex, but I’m rooting for the geek. I just love me a good geek plus I love championing the underdog.
Yeah to the proposals being submitted. Fingers crossed for the big advance… and toes crossed for a good release schedule.
I wonder how many proposals get misplaced during holiday parties in the office and the quick cleaning of desktops so you have space for things.
Fly, fly away, little book, as Misty says, and come back as a BIG FAT CHECK!
Hey you! I’m here, what do you need? There are lots of other ways to get a hold of people that are easier than dreamwalking, you know.
BTW, you were SUPPOSED to let me me know when you got published…
Dude, I *lost* you before I got published. I’m sorry! I won’t lose you again now that I’ve found you! *SQUEE*! HI! HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HI HIHIHIHIHIHI did I say HI?! O.O
Ooh, definitely send it. The BEST things always happen to me over the holidays. And most people will be waiting until January–they get BOMBARDED when they get back from the holidays. If you send it BEFORE the holidays, you just may get taken home for them.
Good luck with it!