We’re off to Dublin and comicon and Christmas shopping. I hope I’ll be printing out color copies of Chance for submission as well, but I haven’t been able to get the damned pages to burn to CD, so it’ll depend on whether there’s a place I can download them as well as print. Dammit. :p
Anyway, back Sunday night!
miles to Isengard: 332
Some print shops can take downloads direct depending on the format. Good luck with that!
Meanwhile have fun in Dublin! If you see any sushi think of me, stuck here, all pregnant and craving-y in a sushi free town.
Dude. Completely off topic, but did you see this?
I saw that, went OMG! and then went, “Catie must see this!”
Because you have more Rogueloff than me, and that is a tricky thing to do. *g*
ZOMG, it’s the boysenberry pie Rogue. *orders one* You rule. THANK YOU!
I know! Isn’t it awesome?
*asks for one for christmas*