A very clever parrot: “The finding of a parrot with an almost unparalleled power to communicate with people has brought scientists up short.”
Humpback whales engage in tactics: “…A male swimmer has just whipped the whole muscular, tapering rear of its body—the peduncle, which powers the fluke—high in the air. It causes the animal’s front end to swing straight downward, forcing a male that had been hot on its tail to dive to avoid a collision.”
I had other tiny bubbles, but I’ve lost ’em. These’ll do. :)
miles to Dunharrow: 26
Oh, yes, the BBC’s Talking Parrot. See this discussion and the link at the bottom for some critical analysis and/or invective about that one.
Yes, well, I didn’t really take the telepathy or the theoretical reading ability very seriously, you know. I just thought making up words and recognizing Jane Goodall clearly enough to make a joke and the like was pretty cool. :)