From founder takes his first step toward space tourism, apparently. Is *that* what he’s doing with all that money?
A guy feeds himself on a dollar a day for a month. More interesting for the idea than the implementation, which, IMHO, was poor. Kinda makes me want to try it, though. We eat out very rarely anymore, and we spend far more than €30 a month (or even €60), but it’d be interesting to try.
I had the opportunity to visit one of the training schools for these performers when I was in China. Even as little children their skills are pretty extraordinary. It was an inspiring experience. They are indeed all deaf, except or the director.
Having spent the last three days eating out of my cupboards and realizing how much more I usually spend on food than I need to (quick-prep stuff, mostly), I’ll definitely have to peruse that $30/day link. Thanks!
Oh, *wow*. How cool! I’m glad you got to go there!