This is not fair. If I get to 3750 words, ok, that seems ok to stop at, ’cause that’s a chapter and it’s 15 pages and all that. But if the chapter doesn’t finish up until 3826 words, then I’m only 1200 words away from 5K! And it seems like heck, I shouldn’t stop when I’m only 1200 words away from 5K!
My brain is trying to outsmart me. -.-
6pm, eta: My brain has won. 5200 words. I bow before the power of my brain.
ytd wordcount: 33,300
miles to Dunharrow: 83
That’s *so* the way to keep writing :D
curse this wooden brain!
Would you please leave some of the language for the rest of us to use??!?!
…no. :)