off for the weekend

Ted and I are going up to Dublin for PCon this weekend. I don’t even know if we’re bringing the laptop, much less whether we’ll have net access, so there may be radio silence til sometime Monday afternoon.

I *am* bringing Gail Dayton‘s ETERNAL ROSE, 3rd book in her One Rose trilogy, which I get to read months ahead of schedule ’cause she asked me to blurb it. Ahahaha. Sometimes being a writer is very cool. :) I’ve *really* enjoyed the first two books in the series, and am rillyrilly looking forward to reading the third.

I’m also bringing a copy of CHANCE so (and others) can look at it, and must remember to bring copies of WINTER MOON for and others as give-aways. And we must bring our cameras so Sunday night we can go around Dublin and do some night photography. And–right. Must do a bunch of things, but right now, must go to the store to get food for the train.

Looking forward to this weekend. Yay!

2 thoughts on “off for the weekend

  1. Have fun at P-con, Say hi to everyone for me… and have LOADsssss of fun!

  2. Catie,

    Popped over to the P-con site and see that they have put up the announcement for next years’ guest of Honor……..

    …evil grin. :-P



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