she cooks!

Being neither nor when it comes to cooking, I’m pleased to report my dinner of baked pork chops and an apple stuffing turned out pretty nicely. The stuffing could use onion and maybe a little more seasoning, and my pork chops turned out a little dry because I still haven’t gotten used to the damned fan-assisted ovens, but overall, pretty good. :) (See, it is noteworthy that my “cooking” icon is actually a *baking* icon, because baking is what I prefer to do. Baking pork chops, however, does not count. :))

We have a blender on this madcap mixer thing. I’m thinking of making an attempt to find a smoothie or two I like. Smoothies are supposed to be morally superior foodstuffs, right? Put yogurt in them and get part of your daily allowance of milk, all that sort of thing? Now, the problem, I suspect, is that I like sweet foods, and I don’t usually regard fruit as properly sweet. Moreover, I don’t particularly like the ones that *are*, like peaches or nectarines. (Well, cooked peaches are good.) But! I will try! Anybody have any smoothie recipes they swear by? :)

12 thoughts on “she cooks!

  1. May I ever so delightfully recommend to you? Lots of good people and nice recipies….

  2. add a splash of honey to the smoothie mix. or add some OJ (or other fruit juice that is “sweet enough”). or flavored yogurt (since those often are a little sweeter than plain yogurt).

  3. Hmmm. I remember you as not liking bananas, but if my memories is incorrect, add bananas to your smoothie. Odd, I know, but bananas are one of the sweetest-taste-adding fruits out there.

  4. I’m astonished you remember that. :) I don’t like bananas by themselves (I guess it’s a texture thing), but bananas in things are good. I’ll keep that in mind!

  5. You’re welcome. And because you asked about specific recipes —

    I do smoothies fairly frequently, and my usual haphazard combination (easily altered to taste) is:

    Frozen fruit (usually berries, because that’s my pref)

    a small container of yogurt (i like vanilla-flavored, because it provides that dash of sweetness. if i use plain, that’s where the honey comes in).

    OJ, because you need some liquid to facilitate the blending process often. If I don’t have OJ, then another fruit juice will do. Or milk/soy milk, if necessary, but there’s already plenty of dairy.

    and I find that a banana just adds something to the texture, sort of like a binding agent. one banana for two large water glass smoothies (which is what my blender generally makes) doesn’t usually have a significant taste impact, but I can feel the texture difference without it. applesauce might also provide the correct texture (and a sweetened variety might give you the additional sweetness you need)

  6. ah, and I just read this thread after writing that applesauce might be an adequate substitute for bananas… :)

  7. My current favorite uses orange sherbet, but plain yogurt could be substituted I suppose. If you’re being good. Whir it with pineapple and grapefruit juice.


  8. My current favorite uses orange sherbet, but plain yogurt could be substituted I suppose. If you’re being good. Whir it with crushed pineapple and grapefruit juice.


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