I only wrote a couple hundred words today, but I spent a lot of money! That’s got to count for something, right? *laugh* I got paid this week (calloo callay!) and accidentally bought myself some birthday presents. (“Did Ted get some birthday presents, too?” my mother wondered, and yes, he did. :)) I got a 2G MP3 player which is most importantly a flash drive, which means there are no wires for me to lose. Also, it’s purple. Can’t go wrong with purple. :)
I also got 100,000,000 Bon Jovi Fans Can’t Be Wrong, which I’ve been wanting since it came out (and now I’m wincing at what I paid for it compared to what amazon’s charging, but oh well; there’d be VAT anyway, and shipping overseas is a pain, and instant gratification (for the value of “instant” meaning “the compliation came out in 2004 and now it’s 2007”) is good), to put on my new MP3 player. :) And some Spanish lessons, too, though I’ll be looking out for Spanish-lesson podcasts as well. I figure I can study Spanish (or listen to music) when I go for walks. Seems like a good use of time. :)
I have also bid on a couple of silly Rogue things on eBay (I see that I’m likely to be out-bid on the first of them, but having bid as much as I’m actually willing to pay, thanks to
I’m very parenthetical and smiley today, it seems.
miles to Minas Tirith: 113
Ah, the joys of retail therapy! Sounds like a successful day’s purchasing.
I like the icon too. Haven’t seen it before.
Happy Birthday!!!! And no you can’t be blamed for buying anything purple. Have you seen http://www.thepurplestore.com? They have a bumper sticker that says “what’s purple is mine, anything else can be painted.”
My birthday’s not actually til next month. I may’ve been a bit premature. :) But thank you! And, *laugh*, no, I hadn’t seen the Purple Store. :)
Oh you’re bad! I usually buy myself just one nice gift. Problem is I keep seeing some other nice thing, so end up with several “one” nice gifts.
Your birthday’s not actually until June.
Just saying.
Wait. You get to write *and* get paid?
That’s a cool gig. :-)
I only take it out for special occasions. :)
Innit, tho? :)
And we’re suitably grateful, of course.
*laugh* Hey! You outbid me and!
I’m willing to negotiate! :)
Cool! You’ve got the same MP3 player as me (except that mine is the black). And beyond the music/podcasts fun, it’s also very cool just to look at.