I’ve done something* to my upper back, so that much of anything that’s not done with perfect posture–say, crouching or bending to take a memory stick from the computer–is breathtakingly owie. Right along the spine between my shoulderblades. This is not my idea of fun. I’d really like a massage.
Zilli is clubbing around and not at all happy about it. Neither am I. Last night he sat on my lap for a while and wanted to lick his cast, so I put my hands in the way. After that I wanted this icon to say, “Kits are not clean! They are covered in CAT SPIT!” Usually Lucy’s the one with the Tongue O’ Rasp, but apparently when you’re trying to wash a cast off your leg your tongue gets much rougher.
I’m sure I could make a more thorough update, but I have to go work on my book, which I appear to have begun dreaming about. Never done that before, to the best of my recollection.
*’Something’ in this case is “I am stressed and hunching a great deal and paying for it.”
I always dream about my books. It’s why I do my best writing first thing in the morning. I let myself half-wake up, think about the book, dream through a few scenes, and then get up and write them.
This explains why I haven’t written much in the last year. Most of my wake-ups have been precipitated by a crying baby, and that doesn’t make for good dreams.
I dream about my books, sometimes I fall asleep thinking about them, and sometimes I wake up figuring out the scene that had been giving me problems, playing it out in my dreams like a movie. Sorry about the bad back, have you tried yoga or perhaps tai chi? I’ve been thinking about starting up again. Enjoy the weekend. Ann
I dream about my books, both falling asleep and waking, its how I work through scenes that are giving me problems. Ann