pay attention to MEEEEEEEEEEEEE

im on ur desk
demandin’ ur attention

(i will give a book of their choice to whoever comes up with the best LOLcat macro for this picture.)

39 thoughts on “pay attention to MEEEEEEEEEEEEE

  1. Better than “oh look, you’re sitting down to write something, that must mean that you want me to jump in your lap and be petted.”

  2. *giggles* Silly kitten.

    *ponders* I’m not very good at macros. :D Hmmmm.

  3. The first thing I thought of was:

    u said there were only 3 chapters left??

    (not really a LOLcat but struck me as funny)

  4. Actually, I don’t mind that so much, ’cause it keeps me pinned in the chair so I have to work! They usually settle down for a good purr if I pet them a bit. :)

  5. Definitely a sick kitty.

    (You can tell – healthy cats always stretch out on the keyboard.)

  6. It’s a little long, but he reminded me of the lion from the Wizard of Oz…

    “I kin fight U with one paw in a cast!”

  7. Mine tend to push their way onto the keyboard leaving me with such literary accomplishments as lnzxvc and zxkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxvcc

  8. Assuming she’s still using it, her keyboard is half on one arm of the chair and half on the other. Which would make it reaaaaally difficult for the cat.

    Hey Kit, where’s her tail?

  9. Tail? What makes you think there’s a tail?

    That keyboard layout is just what we need here. Mind you, it’d only mean that two cats at a time would be colonising it, but that’d leave all three of my keyboards free. (Quite why I have two keyboards plugged into one machine, and one plugged into the other two on this desk is another matter.)

  10. Lookit me, not dis screen. I’s more bootiful. C? Notin else kan compayr.

  11. Back to work, human. I require expensive food and clean litter.


  12. I dunno LOLcat from a hole in the ground, but the caption of that picture should totally be:

    Eventually you will sleep…
    … and I will bludgeon you with my cast.

  13. U no wurk 2-day. U no look at screen. U look at meeeeee. I’s bootiful. I’s sex-ee. C?

  14. Go into teh lite!

    Actually i think he is testing the corner of the monitor as a cast scraper.

  15. Mouthful of tea meet keyboard, keyboard meet mouthful of tea. *spray* Very good!

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