time awakened: 5am
words written: 5500
landmark reached: 275 pages
landmark reached: 50%!
miles walked: 5
cookies made: 48
Lots of 5s today! And, um, one 48, well, I like to shake things up, what can I say. :)
Given that three days ago I had not yet reached 200 pages on this manuscript, I’m pretty pleased with this output. Possibly the Very Best Part is that I’ve reached the point where I have two and a half chapters I can revise and stick back in from the previous draft, so tomorrow’s pagecount, if not wordcount, ought to be prodigious. And then I just need to get a few more things into place and the rest of the book is sheer hell breaking loose. *God* I hope I’m writing this one right. It’d be so nice to not have to massively revise it. Again.
I ate two cookies and sent the rest to work with Ted, whose coworkers, upon discovering I really love to bake, have started making requests. :) I don’t have to *eat* the goodies I make, I really don’t. I’m genuinely perfectly happy to make them and then get rid of them. The problem is I don’t usually have somewhere to get rid of them /to/, so I do eat them. However, this may be an all-around satisfying solution. Maybe next week I’ll make a cheesecake. Unless somebody’s got a specific request. Or, hey, I could make something that
I did *not* intend to walk five miles. I meant to walk about three. Apparently the best laid plans gan aft agley. Somewhere around four miles my feet started to get wibbly/numb from impact, and since that’s the “gosh, you’ve walked more than four miles” sign if I haven’t been walking a great deal lately, I was a little surprised. And quite tired.
In a little bit I’m going to work myself up to making dinner, but in the meantime I’m going to finish reading
Life, as they say, is good.
ytd wordcount: 174,100
miles to Minas Tirith: 280
Wow! That’s a productive day!
but if you eat 3 of the cookies, there will be a 5 number!
just trying to help
I finished Cast in Secret two days after I bought it.}:P
Free cookies: one more reason to wish that Kit was local! :-)
You should totally also make those Irish boys some Real Milkshakes.
Fess up: It was probably 50 cookies, but for the two spoonfuls of cookie dough that never made it to the cookie sheet.
Ok, 49 cookies. I was *very* restrained with the cookie dough! *laughs a lot*
It’s not 48 (or 49) cookies. It’s 50-ish. And that’s hardly cheating at all.
So … Ted’s co-workers, who are all in the Food industry, are sending requests home with the Chef for his Writer wife to make more cookies? There’s something wrong with that equation…