They finally brought my BOOKS!
Well, the other box of them, anyway. Ted thought I was silly for having to take a look at the new box, ’cause they’re the same as the others, but I *had* to! Just in *case*!
I noticed today our moratorium on buying new books seems to have something of a hitch in it. I’ve read 11 books since we decided to do that. I’ve received two free books in the mail since then, and we got 3 yesterday on a gift certificate Ted got for being employee of the month at work. So we’re not quite keeping up with the Joneses in books-read-to-books-received, but it’s not exactly knocking them off without replacing any, either. And WFC with its swag bag is coming up, as is a general trip to America where books are CHEAP. I sense doom. :)
Ted stayed up too late last night. Judging from the fact that HEART OF STONE was on the kitchen counter this morning, it is possible that I am somewhat responsible for him staying up too late…
Ted stayed up too late last night. Judging from the fact that HEART OF STONE was on the kitchen counter this morning, it is possible that I am somewhat responsible for him staying up too late…
Puts a whole different spin on, “Wife kept you up last night, eh?” :)
Are you bringing books to sell at Octocon? I’ll have a table there, selling books for charity, but we can probably squeeze you onto a corner, and make it clear we’re selling them on your behalf.
Planning to, yup!
Well, if your hubby didn’t stay up late reading your new book, then he wouldn’t be doing his job! ;)
besides – it was worth it
Hee. Hee, hee, hee.
We stopped buying new books… and then someone meantioned paperback swap… and now my to be read shelf has something like 130 books sitting on it. *sigh*
At least I have been able to get through the best of the newer ones on my shelf… like Jim Hines’ Goblin Quest. and will have to shove the other books out of line when your new book shows up in stores.