done. actually done. will photocopy the ms in the morning and send it off in the afternoon (pickup is arranged, at a horrifying €106.58, for arrival on Friday, a day later than it’s supposed to be, but nobody could guarantee it on Thursday for any price).


13 thoughts on “1122

  1. This is particularly appalling. But then, it’s a 6.5 pound manuscript going overseas as close to overnight as I can get it. I could’ve spent as much as, oh,€25 less for some other variant of relatively quick mail, but nobody else could be sure it’d get there Friday. It’s outrageous.

    I luff your icon. :)

  2. Yeah. I’ll have to sell about 160 copies of the book just to cover that postage. :)

  3. Yay for done! Boo for money! (I’ve spent fifty quid a time to get proofs safely & swiftly to the States – I guess they just weighed less. It’s still shocking. There must surely be a way to do this electronically…?)

    Also I love your splatted-cat icon. My Sophie used to sleep like that, face down in the duvet…

  4. Seeing manuscript typed ‘ms’ reminds me of Emily of New Moon. I like it. I suppose it’s a writer thing.

  5. You might ask if your publisher/agent is able to accept MSS in CD form, text matter should be no problem on a CD, size-wise.

    BTW, I enjoy your books and am looking forward to the Negotiator series. The first chapter was intriguing, the copy on the back cover on your cover page was even more so.

  6. A HUNDRED AND SIXTY?!?!?!? O.o *headdesk*

    Oh, hey, question for you. I might be headed on an exchange to Ireland and I’m just wondering what the number one thing you think I should see while I’m there is? I’ll be there for 3 weeks in spring, heading to Dublin, (London)derry, and two other places I can’t recall from the top of my head right now…

  7. €106.58?! Hurray for the publishing industry, and their “wait…. wait…. wait…. wait…. wait…. wait…. wait…. wait…. wait…. wait…. wait…. wait…. wait…. wait…. wait…. wait…. wait…. wait…. wait…. wait…. wait…. wait…. wait…. OMGhurryNOWNOWNOWNOWNOW…. wait…. wait…. wait…. wait…. ” thing.


    But congrats on being really truly done!

  8. what the number one thing you think I should see while I’m there is

    ME, obviously!

    I haven’t been to Newgrange or to Tara, but I’m told that Tara, particularly, is just mind-bogglingly astoundingly awesome. So I’d say Tara with a chaser of Newgrange, or the other way around. :)

  9. Hehehe. If I have room in my suitcase, I’ll bring all the copies of your books I have to get ’em signed :P If I can fit them around the textbooks *wince*

    And I think there is a stop in Newgrange…I went to the presentation for all the stops, but I don’t really remember them all XD!

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