don’t stick knives in babbies heads

I got my words written today and then thought, “Hm, I could practice the tin whistle! Wouldn’t that be something!” Only then I couldn’t find my little tin whistle learning book. After poking around a while and still not finding it, I took it as a sign of needing to get a better one. The one that came with the whistle has fingerings for all the songs, which is great for learning to play them right away, but not so good for actually learning which fingerings are which notes, so I wanted a better one anyway, and having lost the original (which will probably turn up now that I’ve got another) seemed like as good a reason to get a new one as any.

I picked a few books up and looked through them, and settled on the one that had, on page four, “Weile Weile Waile” (which has the memorable chorus, “Don’t stick knives in babbies heads / down by the river Saile!”, and is a great favorite of my family’s), because I’ve never seen that song in a book before and thought it must be a Sign. :) Unfortunately, the book cost more than I expected it to, so I guess I bloody well better practice in a few minutes here. o.O

2 miles of walking is not very much like 4 or 5, but it’s raining, and I’m pleased I got 2 miles in. And tomorrow I have to remember to go to the writer’s group, and I’m going to go visit Sammy and Myles (and their charming children) for a while. It’s almost like having a life. :)

ytd wordcount: 13,200
miles to Minas Tirith: 20.4
singing: Weile Weile Waile