help me, livejournal wan kenobi!

My desktop computer decided, last night, that it would be nice to have power running to it, and for its amber “I’m booting” light to blink on and off very rapidly, but nothing else is happening. No booting. No fan running. No nothing. I’ve killed the power to it entirely; when the power is re-introduced, it just goes back to humming and blinking.

This is, thank God, not my writing computer, and yes, as a matter of fact, I will be backing up Nook oh let’s see AS SOON AS I’M DONE TYPING THIS ENTRY, but I was wondering if Livejournal Knows All could help with any suggestions. It’s a Windows box, it’s running…XP, probably, it’s on the old end of things (four years?) and overall it seems likely that it’s recoverable if I bring it down to a shop or something, but it’d be a lot nicer to actually fix it at home and not have to haul it somewhere.

Help me, Livejournal Wan Kenobi! You’re my only hope!