The astute amongst you have noticed that I’ve got quite a number of work-related thinks to do for somebody who’s nominally on vacation. Foremost is writing the proposal (generally a synopsis (done now!) and 3 chapters) for the fifth Walker Papers novel. About a month ago while I was still working on book 4, I had an epiphany about the opening scene of the fifth book, so wrote it down.
Today, trying to write chapter two and finding myself doing a lot of ungainly telling-not-showing, I realized that in fact my epiphany was probably really the end of chapter three, and that I had to back-write everything up to tat point in order to make it not suck. This is the first time I’ve started a “2nd draft” directory before I’ve even gotten 10 pages written. Oi.
Apropos of nothing, when I was getting ready to leave San Diego and the very kind
We have managed to go to the gym 3 days in a row. I was slightly less annoyingly perky yesterday, due to the tiredness, but was back in full form today. “It’s okay,” Ted said, Eeyore-like, “I’ve gotten used to it.” *laughs*
I know there are other things I want to post about, but I can’t hold thoughts in my brain long enough to get them typed.
Oh! Promotional type stuff. I will make another post with that stuff in it. Because I haven’t posted enough today. O.O
miles to Isengard: 171.3
ytd miles swum: 5
ytd wordcount: 309,400