Chance promotion!

Temple Library Reviews (aka LJ’s own ) has done a lovely writeup on theupcoming “Take A Chance” premiere, and Morrigan Books owner (owner?) Mark Deniz/ also mentions it on his blog. Yay!

Ted and I actually got up and went to the gym today. We’re quite proud of ourselves. :) And for much of the rest of the day I’m going to make candy and prepare to send it out into the world. :)

Oh, and I’ve got kitsnaps up and running again with a new, hopefully spam-freeish template which allows actual commentary at the site. I’m hoping to get back to fairly regular posting there, so if you’re the sort of person who bookmarks photography blogs, you could do that. There’s also an RSS feed at that’s working again, which pleases me.

And–this is the second time in a couple weeks I’ve done this, I know, but once more with “if you have a few spare dollars”: this had been going to be a plea for , who is a sf/f person, and while she’s still in deep, they’ve made the initial amount of money they needed to get her out of the immediate trouble. This is for /Desyana, whose ex apparently didn’t come through with what was going to be the (perhaps back-logged; I can’t quite tell from the blog) mortgage check, and like so many of us, she lives month to month and is scrambling to keep the roof over her head.

I said with the last one of these I did that I’d send a copy of a book to the person off my friends list who’d donated the most and emailed to let me know; same offer stands this time, although perhaps I could do something cooler, like Tuckerize the winner in the fifth Walker Papers novel. Maybe that should be a prize if somebody donates over $50 or something. Again, if you feel like donating and letting me know, email a note to with the subject line “home donation” and let me know how much you donated so I can determine who sent in the most. And thank you, generous friends-list people, because I know several of you did donate last time and that’s just flat-out awesome. You’re good people.

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