it takes a village

Thanks to everyone who responded to yesterday’s canine sleeper hold question. You gave me exactly what I needed, and I feel all elucidated now. :)

On a totally unrelated topic, there’s an experimental green village development going on in County Tipperary. It is, as far as I can tell, a bunch of Commie pinko hippie greenie anarchist (in the dictionary’s “government by consensus” meaning of the word, rather than the popular “dye your hair green and explode shit” sense of it) artsy fartsy types coming together to develop a low-to-no ecological impact community*. I believe I would like to live there, or somewhere very like it, although the seed money to even start participating in it is significant. Still, check it out at

Falling a bit behind on SPIRIT DANCES, where “a bit” means “one chapter”. OTOH, I’m on schedule for hitting 50K tomorrow and the halfway point by the end of the week, which is my goal, so although I hope I pick the chapter back up, it won’t quite be the end of the world if I don’t. Assuming, at least, that I don’t drop any *more* chapters. o.O

Um. Once more I suffer from the belief I have many interesting things to blog about, only to discover, when it comes down to it, that I have forgotten whatever it was I intended to say. So I shall leave you with what I’ve written, and try to be more clever tomorrow.

*Actually while I suspect the creators of the community are indeed Commie pinko anarchist greenie types, they’ve been working on this project for the past decade, and so I’m inclined to imagine them as Commie pinko anarchist greenie businessmen, whereas I’m more envisioning the inhabitants as the actual artsy fartsy types. This is somewhat supported by a dancer friend of my sister’s having a house being built there; the friend’s husband will be the local baker. :)