four weeks and counting

Yesterday was Young Indiana’s fourth week-iversary. He celebrated by peeing in his own ear. (I still can’t think or type that without breaking down into giggles. :)) Afterward, he got a bath, and then modeled his new bathrobe:

Secret Agent Baby

warm and cuddly

Model Baby

Mama & Babby

Papa & Babby

I’ve been experimenting with homemade breakfast bars, since a snack I can eat with one hand is very useful. This one is pretty good, and I’ve just made this one, except I haven’t tasted it yet and I modified the recipe, so if it turns out to be any good I’ll, er, let you know what I did differently. :) I’ve got two more I’m going to try, too.

Boy. I had a ton of things I meant to blog about, but I’m having a hard time remembering any of them. Oh, I’m guest blogging over at Suvudu, where this week they’re doing a Faerie Week, and where you can potentially win an ARC of TRUTHSEEKER. Go forth, participate!

1 thought on “four weeks and counting

  1. haha he’s so cute. at least he’s only peeing on himself. my brother peed in almost everyone’s mouths now everytime i have t change one of my cousin’s kids i keep my mouth shut. it must be some genetic thing cuz if you weren’t talking he wasn’t peeing but as soon as you opened your mouth there’d be a stream of pee coming at you from a baby smaller than a roast chicken. cant wait till demon hunts and truth seeker come out.

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