I have just become unemployed for the first time in a decade.
My day job dumped me at the end of 2004, at which time I was contracted for two series, the Walker Papers and the Strongbox Chronicles. Since then, I’ve been constantly under contract–Walker Papers, Strongbox Chronicles, Negotiator Trilogy, Inheritors’ Cycle–but I have now turned in book six of the Walker Papers, SPIRIT DANCES, and that means I’m officially out of contract.
Wow. Wow, how utterly, *utterly* bizarre.
I mean, don’t get me wrong. July’s task is writing the proposals for the final 3 Walker Papers, which I fully expect Luna to buy. I have a proposal to write for the rest of the Inheritors’ Cycle, too, and the Old Races novella commission is in the works, of course, but basically: out of contract & unemployed.
I think I’ll spend the weekend enjoying it! No, wait, I’m going to spend the weekend moving into Dublin. Darn. :)
Darn! ;) {{huggs}} Have a good, safe, uneventful move and enjoy your time off, however fleeting it might be.
Moving into Dublin as in Ireland? Color me jealous! If it’s not Ireland, don’t color me at all, though. lol Anyway, I’m just catching the titles of your books so I can get them i order for further reading. About two years ago, a friend loaned me two books. One was Urban Shaman, the other was a title I can’t remember. She said that since I like science fiction, I probably wouldn’t like Urban Shaman, but the other was right up my alley. LOL I never finished the other one but read Urban in one sitting! Just found out recently that it’s a series. (No, I don’t get out much and I don’t do a lot of research on books because I am busily reading down the stacks I have already accumulated. ‘Nuf said…) So, I happily found the second in the Walker Papers series and, lo and happiness, found there are others. Just finished the second two this week. Can’t wait to get my hands on the rest of them. And I will give your other series a shot, as well. Your writing style is refreshing, to me, and you keep things tight and necessary. Okay, I’ll hush up now! Thanks for the good reads!
Oh, it really helps that Seattle is my home town! ;-)