plans for the weekend

It seems like there’re about 1200 things to do this weekend. Hopefully by the end of it–or at least by the end of July–we’ll be Fully Moved In and won’t have to do quite so many Things. Which is of course the idea, and part of the reason to have the housewarming party on August 1. Remember that? You’re coming, aren’t you? :)

thinks to do this weekend:
– make bread
dye my hair
email Cat
– clear out weed bed in garden
– sweep up garden floor
– pour boiling water over garden floor
– scrub garden floor with bleach water
– scrub garden wall with bleach water
– paint garden wall if weather permits
– perhaps hang a second clothes line
go shopping for a dryer (thanks, Mom!)
– finish unpacking my office
– finish unpacking the library
– get art up in library & office
– finish ch 3 of RAVEN CALLS
– find a vet or pet store to get food for zilli
– go see mom & dad’s new house
– laundry. fuckloads and fuckloads of laundry

And the Festival of World Cultures is this weekend, and I’d love to go to it. I fear, however, that like many other appealing things happening around this time, it’s going to have to be on a “do it next year” list, just because there’s so much else to do at the house and I no longer have a Ted around during the week to help accomplish it!

*looks at that list* Argh. That looks like a lot.