reading meme: day six

Day 06 – Your favourite writer

I’m afraid this meme is going to get a bit repetitive, at this rate. Guy Gavriel Kay is probably my favorite writer, though I do not unconditionally love everything he’s written. I really have to go back and re-read A SONG FOR ARBONNE, which I wasn’t particularly taken with, but I wonder if it would improve upon re-reading. And I will probably never re-read THE LIONS OF AL-RASSAN because the last chapter makes me crazy, which is a crying shame, as up to that point it’s my favorite of his books.

But–to throw a wrench in the monkeyworks–another favorite of mine is Hemingway. Like GGK (and this is the only way in which they are similar), Hemingway either works for you or does not work for you. He happens to work for me.

Oddly, because I don’t read a lot of poetry, some of my other favorites are poets: Rainer Maria Rilke and Dylan Thomas, to whom I was introduced thanks to Vincent in Beauty and the Beast; Tennyson (who is my favorite poet), to whom I was introduced thanks to Robert A. Heinlein; Walt Whitman, to whom I was introduced thanks to my freshman English course in college.

Now I’m trying to think if there are any authors whose writing I love unconditionally, and damned if I can think of any. I mean, I could be coy and say C.E. Murphy, but even that’s not true. The poets, weirdly enough, come closest. Huh.

3 thoughts on “reading meme: day six

  1. My favorite poets are Robert Blake, Emily Dickinson and Kipling.
    I read one book by GGK and loved it. The next book by him I found I could not finish it.

  2. GGK is my favorite author, too, so I’m curious: What is it about the last chapter of The Lions of Al-Rassan that makes you crazy?

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