Some of you may recall that a couple years ago I offered a Tuckerization in the Brenda Novak Annual Auction for the Cure of Diabetes (henceforth referred to as the Brenda Novak Diabetes Auction, although that’s really quite inaccurate). I didn’t do one last year, what with having a newborn and just being too wrung out to think at all. But this year I’m offering another Tuckerization, and this one’s better by far: you, yes, you could be a star in my next urban fantasy series!
The pitch:
Author CE Murphy is in the early stages of proposing new series ideas to her editors, which means you have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become a major or recurring character in a brand-new urban fantasy world! This auction is for a Tuckerization (your name, or a name of your choice, as a character name) in an upcoming series, the details of which can’t be revealed because the world hasn’t been decided on yet–but it can pretty much be guaranteed as another mile-a-minute wild ride from CE Murphy.
Chances are you will not see the main character named after you, but it will absolutely be a major or recurring smaller role within the new series. Male or female, doesn’t matter, there’s room for all!
The fine print:
1. It’ll be some time before your character sees print, since we’re still in the discussion stages for selling the series! You’re probably looking at an 18 month to two-year wait…but what’s a few long months to literary immortality?
2. You may not be a good guy. (Frankly, the higher the bidding goes, the more likely you are to have input into whether you’re a hero or a villain and what you-the-character looks like.)
3. This auction may be given as a gift, but you should clear it with the person whose name you want to use first.
Bid early, bid often, folks. The auction is here!