holy carp.

The Old Races Short Story Project patronage window is now closed.
I have just finished the sixth and final story for the Old Races Short Story Project, FOUR MONTHS AHEAD OF SCHEDULE.

Excuse me while I do a dance of *glee*.

*dancie dancie dance*!

I am *really* pleased with myself. The project’s purpose was to get me to write half a dozen new Old Races stories for a possible collection, with an anticipated wordcount of about 30K. I seem to have written about 33K worth of shorts, so *bullseye*. Holy *crap*, I’m pleased. I’m rarely this delighted when I finish a project, so YAY WOW!

Okay. Now I need a cover artist. Who out there is an artist with an online portfolio I can go check out? And who, um, works for relatively cheap? :)

In the incredibly unlikely event you’ve been reading my journal and don’t know about this project, you can find teasers for the stories here: Falling, a story about Biali in 1890s New York; St. George & the Dragons, a story about Janx; Salt Water Stains the Sand, a story of the djinn; and a post-trilogy story about the vampires, Awakening. There are *spoilers* in that one, so beware! The final two stories will be delivered on schedule in October and December. :)

There are three options for buying in. Options one and two are available through the shopping cart button below, but to explain in detail:
The Old Races Short Story Project patronage window is now closed.