Nothing like care packages from America, full of Good Stuff, to brighten up a day! Even if it was a pretty bright day to begin with. :) Thank you, Mary Anne! I think we now have about 7 pounds of chocolate chips, which is hysterical. :)
Writing did not go quite as planned today. Young Indiana woke up 25 minutes into his nap and didn’t want to be put back down after I rescued him, so I had a nice rest with the baby and, er, wrote about 200 words instead of 2000. Or 4000, which is really what I needed to do today. Still, I hit 25K (and then 26K) yesterday on The Ilyaliad, so I’m halfway through Nano. And I’ve reached the point where I’m certain the whole book really, really sucks, which Ted said, cheerfully, “Ah, good to hear!” about. :)
Um, okay, this appears to be about to turn into Five Things Make A Post.
Thing One, which probably a lot of you have seen, but: the 4th Amendment in metallic ink that can be seen on those stupid full body scanners. Which reminds me I meant to say: I politely refused to go through the full body scanner at JFK on my way through. It took them five minutes to even find a female agent to pat me down. Seriously, if passengers put even the slightest effort into refusing to allow this shit to continue, it would take about 36 hours to have the airlines riding the government’s ass to get this crap reversed. Resistance isn’t difficult, lads. You just gotta show up.
Thing Two: Bank of America is a bad neighbor: a terrific article.
Thing Three: The 25 Best Damn You Autocorrects of 2011. I’d read at least half of these before. I was still weeping with laughter by the end of the page. :)
Thing Four: Apropos of absolutely nothing, I’m trying to figure out if there’s any *possible* way I can walk Hadrian’s Wall next summer, maybe. It’s only 70 or 80 miles. I could do that alone in a week, but the whole toddler thing might make it impossible. I’d sure love to, though.
Thing Five: Okay, the above wasn’t really apropos of nothing. I’d been thinking about it a couple weeks ago, but I was just reminded by a link about a recently uncovered Pictish seat of power.
Okay. Enough of this, now it’s time to find some food.
I’ve wanted to do that walk for years.