Busy day, although not as busy as last Sunday. Went and got a (late, ahem) birthday present for Catriona; I need to get a card. Went to Spider-Man again and might’ve liked it better the second time than the first. It’s still flawed, but the three minutes of Spidey rescuing Mary Jane (both times) are so perfectly Spider-Man that it makes me all squirmy and happy. Went food-shopping, during which time the dog chewed up everything she could pull down from the kitchen counter. *crossed eyes*
And now I have BatB music stuck in my head, ’cause I watched it Friday night. (There’s something sweet and almost kind / But he was mean and he was coarse and unrefined / And now he’s dear and so unsure / I wonder why I didn’t see it there before!) I do wish the Beast had had a song of his own in the movie. That was its biggest flaw, I thought (and still think!).
(She glanced this way, I thought I saw / And when we touched she didn’t shudder at my paw! / No it can’t be, I’ll just ignore / But then she’s never looked at me that way before.)
*laughs* With all your talk about BatB of late, my willpower was weakened and I failed my “obey your budget” roll and picked it up at Walmart this weekend. Ben rolled his eyes a lot, but then it came out that he’s never actually seen the whole movie, just the scene with the singing cutlery. THAT is going to change very soon….
Me thinks that wee Chanti needs to go get
some behavior modification. Cousin
Bill was telling me that their two Neopolitan
mastiffs are enrolled in school at this
very time. Clyde, he believes, may be
intellectually challenged, though Kayla
is catching on quite quickly. One of the troubles
with their dogs is that the dogs can pull
Peg (Bill’s wife) right over when she tries
to walk them. They’re like 150 pounds
each. Very big dogs. And they slobber.
School won’t help that.