I’d been having a hard time finding the chocolate I typically use here to make fudge with, so I got some at a different store and made fudge today. The chocolate melted suspiciously quickly, which I thought wasn’t an especially good sign, and when I mixed it in, the fudge did not reach anything like the right color. The fudge droppings confirm my fears. It’s got utterly lovely texture, and it’s a decent milk chocolate sort of fudge (though not as sweet as actual milk chocolate fudge). Its flavor, however, is totally inadequate for Catie’s Fudge. I am not willing to inflict it on my family or my agent, the latter of whom was the person I was making it in the first place. I shall send it to Ted’s work, where they don’t know any better.
(I mean, really, it’s perfectly nice fudge, except in comparision to *proper* fudge. And it offends me on a primal level to make inadequate candy. Or indeed inadequate anything, when it comes to baking. Did I mention the pumpkin cheesecake was underwhelming? Neither sweet nor spicy enough, although it improved some at room temperature, and my brother in law who doesn’t like sweets apparently ate most of the half a cheesecake I brought them, so it did have some redeeming qualities. Still. Hrmph.)
I hear ya! Quality ingredients are required for masterful baking. I’m a baking snob too! :-)
I have a recipe you will like. Or hate, depending. Pumpkin/pecan pie. Alternately, sweet potato/pecan pie. I’ll tell you more one of these days.