A brief update before I go racing off to catch the train to Cobh.
I came out to Athy at about 9pm last night and spent an hour and a half getting the downstairs as straightened up for the movers as I could, ie, getting rid of scraps of paper, moving things that weren’t going with us somewhere else, doing laundry and dishes, that kind of exciting thing. I got up at 6:10 this morning to do the same thing to the upstairs from about 7 to 8:30, when the movers were scheduled to arrive. They only got slightly lost, so they were there by 10 to 9.
By 11, the entire house was packed up and they were pouring over the map to decide how best to get to Cobh. It was a thing of beauty and joy forever. They are heroes of the revolution. Me, I sat in the one room that nothing was being moved from, and wrote. Got 1500 words written. If I can pull off another 3500 on the train (possible, though iffy because the loll of the vehicle might send me off to snoozeland), I’ll hit 30K on the book. Getting 1 more chapter done would put me about 500 words shy of 30K, which would be satisfactory.
*stares around* Um. What else? Nothing else. There must be an internet cafe somewhere in Cobh, or we’ll be in Cork for at least part of the St. Patrick’s Day Festival this weekend, so if you don’t hear from me til then, that’s why.
Going to catch the train now.
*waves Flag* Ohh time for the official Welcome to cork!
Have a safe trip, and a move that goes smoothly.